Soloists Reunite to Celebrate 40th Year

Type of post: Choir news item
Sub-type: Public Choir News Item
Posted By: Randy Pope
Status: Current
Date Posted: Sun, Nov 20 2022
For our 40th year celebration, the Binghamton Downtown Singers wanted to do something special.

While the Board of Directors gathered posters from previous concerts, the idea to invite soloists from past performances was born. Our Principal Artistic Director, Marisa Crabb, contacted several soloists who were thrilled with the idea. Here are some of their responses:

This warms my heart and I'm excited to return to Binghamton! I would be delighted to sing with you all! 

I can’t tell you how much I look forward to singing this wonderful piece with you and the DTS! 

Count me in! I am excited and honored to be a part of this performance. 

Congrats on your 40th anniversary – such a testament to Alan and to you.

So, as a special treat to kick off our 40th year, our Messiah performance will feature seven soloists, rather than our usual four.  We invite you to come join us to hear these amazing voices once again.